what is voluntary becomes involuntary
it is clear that in psychiatry/psychology/counseling
that what originates as a voluntary impulse to improve oneself
or to solve some problem
becomes an involuntary use of force
psychiatry relies on the threat of rape
--in this case, a form of rape is the threat of being involuntarily drugged by syringe.
therefore psychiatry has no moral authority and should be eliminated
and replaced with voluntary alternatives.
that what originates as a voluntary impulse to improve oneself
or to solve some problem
becomes an involuntary use of force
psychiatry relies on the threat of rape
--in this case, a form of rape is the threat of being involuntarily drugged by syringe.
therefore psychiatry has no moral authority and should be eliminated
and replaced with voluntary alternatives.
Hi Chris
I am very happy to see your new blog. Welcome to the struggle for real Self control and healing. I already know you as a talented writer and who will have much to contribute to our common goal
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